The European Court of Human Rights (Fourth Section) has handed down judgment in Eweida & Others v UK. The Court decided (by 7-2) that there had been a breach of Article 9 (freedom of religion) in the case of Nadia Eweida, a British Airways employee who was refused permission to wear a cross at work. The Court dismissed (by 7-2) the application of Lillian Ladele, a marriage registrar for the London Borough of Islington, who refused to officiate civil partnership ceremonies on the basis of her religious beliefs.
The full judgment can be found here:
James Eadie QC acted for the United Kingdom in Eweida and Ladele. Dinah Rose QC, Ben Jaffey and Professor Christopher McCrudden acted for Ladele. Lord Lester QC acted for The National Secular Society in a third party intervention.