Members of Blackstone Chambers have incomparable expertise and experience across all areas of sports law, ranging from state control of the sector, through sports body governance and regulation, and employment and other horizontal relationships between participants, to all aspects of the commercial exploitation of sport. The reason for the breadth of such areas covered by Chambers, and why it has been able to develop its reputation as the leading set for sports law, lies in its existing strengths in a unique combination of complementary fields of practice in which sports law finds its origins, in particular public, EU and competition, human rights, employment and commercial law. As a result, members of Blackstone Chambers attract a wide range of clients, from international and national sports governing bodies, through sporting individuals, teams, clubs and agents, to broadcasters and other commercial partners, and regularly appear before all courts and tribunals, nationally and internationally, dealing with sports cases.

Sport barristers

King's Counsel

Juniors 10+ years

Juniors 1-10 years

+44 (0)207 5831770

