Derek Sutton
Joint Senior Clerk
+44 (0) 207 822 7327
Dinah Rose KC has a broad practice, encompassing public law, competition law, EU law and employment law.
Her particular areas of interest include human rights and civil liberties, competition damages claims, telecommunications, regulation (acting for both regulators and regulated parties), and discrimination law.
She has a particular strength in written and oral advocacy, across a range of different legal fields. She has appeared in the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union in many of the leading cases of recent years, as well as appearing in Hong Kong, the Cayman Islands and the European Court of Human Rights.
Unusually, Dinah has considerable experience both of leading teams in large scale litigation in a commercial environment, and of representing individuals bringing publicly-funded claims against the State.
Dinah was appointed President of Magdalen College, Oxford and took up office in September 2020. She will be the 43rd President of the College since its foundation in 1458, and the first woman to hold the post.
Some recent highlights of Dinah’s practice have included:
Chambers and Partners 2019 named Dinah as one of its top 25 ‘Stars at the Bar’ and she was also recognised as a Legal 500 2019 Silk of the Year for Employment Law. Dinah is ranked in Chambers UK and Legal 500 in several practice areas. Recent comments include:
Pervious comments include:
Dinah is currently instructed in some of the largest competition investigations and private litigation, including the European Commission’s investigation into alleged Euribor fixing, the CMA's investigations into the pricing of various drugs, and the Commission's investigation and claims for damages brought against Visa, concerning multilateral interchange fees. Dinah has appeared before the Commission in Brussels, and has extensive experience of appeals before the Competition Appeal Tribunal, and claims in the Commercial Court, where she has acted for both claimants and defendants.
Dinah has longstanding expertise in EU law, and has appeared in the CJEU on many occasions. Her European practice covers a very wide range, including social policy (discrimination and employment rights, free movement of workers, social security), competition, environmental law, sanctions (Iranian and Ukrainian), and other forms of regulation, including taxation and tobacco regulation.
“First class. Her submission was powerful, clear and compelling.”
Chambers and Partners, 2022
“A super impressive advocate.”
Chambers and Partners, 2022
“She has a very strategic way of presenting the case, and knows where the killer points are and how to make them stand out”
Chambers and Partners, 2021
“She is a force of nature and an effective and passionate advocate.”
Chambers and Partners, 2021
“She is a fantastic advocate and a formidable intellect.”
Legal 500, 2021
“Tribunals defer to her and clients love her.”
Legal 500, 2019
“Solicitors only ever want to be in court with her if she is representing their client.”
Legal 500, 2019
“A very formidable and truly spectacular barrister.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“Rose is very hard-working and formidable in court.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“A very strong and compelling advocate.”
Legal 500, 2018
“Extremely strategic, decisive, and has an immense knowledge. Put simply, the only time you want to be in court with her is if she is on your client’s side.”
Legal 500, 2018
“She is a phenomenal advocate - the best I've seen.”
Chambers and Partners, 2018
“She is in a league of her own.”
Chambers and Partners, 2018
“She is a devastating advocate with an immense knowledge of the law.”
Chambers and Partners, 2018
“An utterly devastating advocate in a league of her own.”
Legal 500, 2017
Represented investment funds, owned by the Libyan Investment Authority, in a 10 day trial, and subsequently a two-day appeal, in the Cayman Islands. The case raised complex issues involving the interaction between the UN, EU, UK and Cayman sanctions regimes. The central issue was whether the dismissal of directors of the investment funds constituted a breach of those regimes.
Representing Visa in competition damages claims brought by retailers, alleging that interchange fees unlawfully restrict competition. The Commercial Court trial was the longest competition action of 2016/17, and was followed by a two-week Court of Appeal hearing in 2018. An appeal is currently pending before the Supreme Court.
Representing JP Morgan in appeal to General Court against decision of the Commission concerning the alleged manipulation of the Euribor rate, and information sharing.
Advising the manufacturers of various drugs in continuing CMA investigations into the pricing of medicines for sale to the NHS.
Representing largest commercial broadcaster in Hong Kong in Hong Kong High Court, in successful judicial review of decision of Broadcasting Authority finding some clauses in contracts with artists to be anti-competitive.
Representing HCA in statutory judicial review in CAT of decision of CMA under the Enterprise Act 2002 requiring HCA to divest two hospitals. On discovery of flaws in the CMA’s pricing analysis, the appeal was conceded by the CMA, and the matter remitted for reconsideration.
Representing claimants in follow on and stand alone damages action concerning losses arising out of the operation of a European synthetic rubber cartel. Settled after two weeks of trial.
Representing Tesco in appeal to CAT against OFT decision finding that Tesco participated in concerted practice with the object of distorting competition in the market for British cheese in 2002 and 2003.
Representing Ofcom in appeals brought by BSkyB, FA Premier League and other parties against Ofcom’s decision requiring BSkyB to wholesale its sports channels to other broadcasters. Pending before Court of Appeal.
Representing Shell in successful appeal against OFT finding of anti-competitive conduct in retailing of tobacco products.
Dinah has a very broad practice across the whole spectrum of public law. She represents both claimants and defendants in a wide variety of courts and specialist tribunals, from the Administrative Court to the highest appellate levels. She has appeared in many of the leading public law cases of recent years. Dinah’s public law work overlaps with her expertise in human rights and EU law.
Claimants Dinah has advised and represented range from NGOs and publicly-funded individuals to large commercial entities and trade associations challenging regulatory or Government decisions and legislation. Dinah has also represented JUSTICE, Liberty, and other public interest groups in appellate interventions.
On the Defendant side, Dinah has advised and represented many public authorities, including Government departments, the NHS, local authorities, and a wide variety of regulators, including Ofcom, Ofgem, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, the GMC and other medical regulators, the Independent Police Complaints Commission, the Advertising Standards Authority, The Teaching Standards Council, the Bar Council and the Law Society.
“She just stellar. An incredible public law barrister.”
Chambers and Partners, 2022
“Clients adore her.”
Legal 500, 2021
“Simply the best.”
Legal 500, 2021
“She is a fantastic advocate and a formidable intellect.”
Legal 500, 2021
“Utterly devastating as an advocate.”
Legal 500, 2019
“She delivers extremely astute, tactical advice, and she can't be faulted.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“She is an exceptional advocate who really gets to the heart of the matter, but also thinks creatively and introduces points others haven't thought of. She has invaluable experience and knowledge of the area.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“She remains supremely impressive on her feet and combines this with a remarkable ability with clients, great strategic nous and drive.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“A tour de force and a real testament to the quality of the legal profession.”
Legal 500, 2018
“A dauntless advocate who shows total commitment to a client's cause.”
Chambers and Partners, 2018
“Incredibly incisive, tough and able to see through an enormous amount of material.”
Chambers and Partners, 2018
“Exceptionally robust and forceful advocate. She exudes a real command of the materials and is exceptional at holding the court's attention”
Chambers and Partners, 2017
“She is the best advocate at the Public Law Bar and engages with judges at a level that most won't dare.”
Chambers and Partners, 2016
“Wonderfully engaging and the best barrister in the country at the moment”
Legal 500, 2016
Represented investment funds, owned by the Libyan Investment Authority, in a 10 day trial, and subsequently a two-day appeal, in the Cayman Islands. The case raised complex issues involving the interaction between the UN, EU, UK and Cayman sanctions regimes. The central issue was whether the dismissal of directors of the investment funds constituted a breach of those regimes.
Acted for Cynergy Bank Ltd in this appeal concerning the interpretation of a Facility Agreement entered into between Lamesa Investments Ltd and Cynergy Bank Ltd in 2017.
Successfully acted for the appellant, Privacy International, in the Supreme Court. The case established that the Investigatory Powers Tribunal, which hears claims against the security and intelligence services, is subject to judicial review by the High Court. It is now the leading case on ouster clauses.
Represented the Law Society in its judicial review of cuts made by the Lord Chancellor to criminal legal aid, which resulted in the Divisional Court quashing the Lord Chancellor's decision on the grounds of unfairness and irrationality.
Judicial review of HM Treasury's decision to grant indexation for the 'guaranteed minimum pension' component of public sector pensions, following the abolition of the additional state pension, in a manner that inadvertently reads across to certain private sector schemes.
Representing David Davis MP and Tom Watson MP in challenge to legislation permitting mass retention of mobile telephone data. Breaches of Art 8 ECHR and of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
Landmark Hong Kong Court of Appeal ruling in a discrimination case. The court ruled that the Director of Immigration (the “Director”) acted unlawfully by excluding a same-sex couple from his policy of granting dependant visas to the spouses of employment visa holders.
Successfully obtained a reference to the CJEU in case about mass collection of ‘bulk personal datasets’ and ‘bulk communications data’. The IPT decided that the Security and Intelligence Services had been unlawfully collecting and holding data on the UK population for over 10 years and the issue of future collection has been referred to Luxembourg.
Representing claimant in challenge pending before Supreme Court, alleging that provision of probation hostels for women discriminates on grounds of sex.
Acting for Unison in its judicial review challenge to the new fees regime for employment tribunal cases. The Supreme Court allowed UNISON’s appeal and held that fees imposed in respect of proceedings in employment tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal were unlawful because of their effects on access to justice.
Representing largest commercial broadcaster in Hong Kong in successful challenge to decision of broadcasting regulator alleging anti-competitive terms in contracts with artists. CFI held that the regulatory scheme failed to provide a fair hearing before an independent and impartial tribunal, and breached Art 10 of HK Bill of Rights.
Representing Law Society in challenge to new criminal duty solicitor contracts.
Representing Appellants in successful JR of decision to segregate prisoners, on grounds that it was unfair and ultra vires.
Representing Claimant in successful JR of Council decision removing free bus travel from children in faith schools (on grounds of discrimination).
Representing journalist from The Guardian in judicial review of the Attorney General’s decision to override decision of Upper Tribunal requiring the publication of letters written by Prince Charles to Government Ministers.
Representing the claimants in proceedings before the Investigatory Powers Tribunal, which established that MI5, M16 and GCHQ’s policies for dealing with legally privileged material intercepted by them were unlawful.
Representing claimants (pro bono) in High Court and Court of Appeal, in challenge to quality assurance scheme for advocates.
Representing Claimant in pending judicial review of legislation introducing plain packaging for tobacco products, alleging breach of EU law, IP law, and human rights law.
Representing Claimant in challenge to legislation taxing offshore gambling, on grounds of breach of EU law.
Representing Appellant in successful challenge before Supreme Court and CJEU to UK’s breach of EU air pollution limits, and lack of effective remedy for the breach.
Representing the Appellant in challenge to validity of European Arrest Warrant issued by a public prosecutor.
Representing the applicant in ECtHR in a claim concerning a Christian registrar who refused to perform civil partnerships, and was disciplined for gross misconduct.
Dinah has appeared in many of the leading civil liberties and human rights cases of recent years, in UK courts and specialist tribunals (including the Investigatory Powers Tribunal and SIAC), appellate courts including the Supreme Court, as well as the European Court of Human Rights. Her clients have included terrorist suspects facing deportation to torture, a Christian registrar disciplined for refusing to conduct civil partnerships, prisoners in solitary confinement, the mother of a British soldier who died in Iraq, and individuals and NGOs seeking to defend their privacy rights against surveillance by the State.
“Dinah is just outstanding. She is the most formidable advocate of her generation.”
Chambers and Partners, 2023
“The most naturally gifted advocate one has ever seen.”
Chambers and Partners, 2023
“Dinah Rose is incredibly compelling”
Chambers and Partners, 2022
“In a class of her own, totally brilliant.”
Legal 500, 2021
“She is head and shoulders above the majority of her competitors.”
Legal 500, 2021
“Absolutely exceptional.”
Legal 500, 2019
“Dinah is a standout barrister; she's a phenomenon.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“She's fiercely intelligent and charismatic as well as personable and down-to-earth.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“She is a force of nature on her feet, tactically superb, a joy to work with, and makes really complex areas and novel cases seem easy and manageable.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“She delivers an unprecedented mix of strategy, advocacy and knowledge of the law.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“A superstar and the best in the field.”
Legal 500, 2018
“She is undoubtedly one of the most intellectually fearsome people at the Bar, and a very powerful advocate.”
Chambers and Partners, 2018
“A phenomenal advocate. She is incredibly gifted.”
Chambers and Partners, 2018
“Deservedly extremely popular with the judiciary as a result of her concise and compelling arguments”
Chambers and Partners, 2017
“One of the best silks of her generation.”
Legal 500, 2017
“Outstanding – a very special advocate”
Legal 500, 2016
“A real star; extremely bright and practical.”
Legal 500, 2015
Dinah acted for the Deputy Registrar and Attorney General in this high-profile case concerning whether the right to marry under the Constitution of the Cayman Islands extends to same-sex couples.
This case concerned the alleged misuse of personal data belonging to more than 71 million people to develop “political propaganda campaigns” in the UK and the US and Facebook’s failure to protect the data of its users.
Represented the Law Society in its judicial review of cuts made by the Lord Chancellor to criminal legal aid, which resulted in the Divisional Court quashing the Lord Chancellor's decision on the grounds of unfairness and irrationality.
Acted for the applicants, ten NGO’s including Liberty and Amnesty International, in a landmark challenge before the European Court of Human Rights to the UK’s regime for the interception of external communications. The complaints in the three cases were triggered by disclosures by Edward Snowden as to the surveillance measures used by the UK and the US intelligence services, including the practices of intercepting electronic communications in bulk as well as the sharing of intercepted data between intelligence services.
Judicial review of HM Treasury's decision to grant indexation for the 'guaranteed minimum pension' component of public sector pensions, following the abolition of the additional state pension, in a manner that inadvertently reads across to certain private sector schemes.
Landmark Hong Kong Court of Appeal ruling in a discrimination case. The court ruled that the Director of Immigration (the “Director”) acted unlawfully by excluding a same-sex couple from his policy of granting dependant visas to the spouses of employment visa holders.
Representing claimant in challenge pending before Supreme Court, alleging that provision of probation hostels for women discriminates on grounds of sex.
Representing Appellants in successful JR of decision to segregate prisoners, on grounds that it was unfair and ultra vires.
Representing the claimants in proceedings before the Investigatory Powers Tribunal, which established that MI5, M16 and GCHQ’s policies for dealing with legally privileged material intercepted by them were unlawful.
Representing claimants (pro bono) in High Court and Court of Appeal, in challenge to quality assurance scheme for advocates.
Dinah acts regularly for Ofcom and for communications providers, in the CAT and the High Court, and advises on all aspects of telecommunications regulation in the UK.
“Dinah Rose KC is a great communicator.”
Chambers and Partners, 2023
“It's hard to find someone who understands the economics and details of the law and presents it so clearly as she does.”
Chambers and Partners, 2021
“She is a superb advocate, who prepares incredibly well and knows just how to address the court”
Chambers and Partners, 2021
“One of the outstanding lawyers of her generation.”
Chambers and Partners, 2021
“She is a superb advocate and highly intelligent.”
Legal 500, 2021
“She is capable of turning a case through the force of her advocacy.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“Dinah is incredibly good at picking up new issues and is always open to having strategic discussions.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“When she's on the team clients and solicitors have a high degree of confidence that they are receiving support that is second to none.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“She is excellent with clients and a superb advocate.”
Legal 500, 2018
“An outstanding barrister with a ferocious intellect”
Chambers and Partners, 2018
“A formidable advocate, a fearsome opponent, and an excellent courtroom performer.”
Chambers and Partners, 2018
“A truly exceptional barrister who is a treat to instruct. Her formidable reputation is thoroughly deserved.”
Chambers and Partners, 2017
“Her fine intellect and advocacy is astonishing to witness, as is her charm with clients”
Legal 500, 2016
“Her presentation of the facts and arguments in court is an incredible spectacle.”
Legal 500, 2015
Acting for Ofcom in a price control case concerning auction rules.
Representing Ofcom in pending judicial review of 4G spectrum auction.
Representing cable operators in pending appeal concerning Ofcom’s regulation of charges for Ethernet services.
Acting for the Altnets intervening in appeal concerning Ofcom’s resolution of a dispute as to BT’s charges for Partial Private Circuits.
Dinah has a particular interest and expertise in discrimination and equal pay, and in appellate advocacy.
Dinah was retained by the BBC in December 2012 to investigate and report on instances of harassment and bullying, and the BBC’s policies and training, in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal. Her report, Dignity at Work, was published in April 2013. She represented UNISON in its successful challenge to the introduction of fees for bringing claims in Employment Tribunals, decided by the Supreme Court in July 2017.
“One of the finest advocates of her generation.”
Chambers and Partners, 2023
“Dinah is an absolute star. A stellar performer in employment law.”
Chambers and Partners, 2023
“She makes complicated issues seem simple; she knows how to select the right points to argue as she goes straight to heart of the matter and always has the best answer to any question asked by the judges.”
Chambers and Partners, 2022
“Intellectually brilliant, Dinah is peerless and astonishingly quick – the best advocate at the English Bar.”
Legal 500, 2021
“Extremely intelligent and as formidable an advocate as you will find.”
Legal 500, 2019
“An extraordinarily gifted advocate who inspires total trust in her instructing solicitors.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“She is supremely persuasive and carries the court in the palm of her hand at all times.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“A leading advocate at the employment Bar.”
Legal 500, 2018
“She is the real deal.”
Chambers and Partners, 2018
“Formidable. I can think of no one I would prefer to have on my side.”
Chambers and Partners, 2018
“A supreme tactician, who is masterful on her feet.”
Legal 500, 2017
“An absolute star who is a fantastic advocate.”
Chambers and Partners, 2016
“She is highly impressive and hugely intelligent, and has talent for winning hard cases where others might not.”
Legal 500, 2015
Acting for Uber in case addressing the question whether Uber drivers could be said to be workers and whether they are therefore entitled to receive the national minimum wage and paid annual leave.
Acting for Unison in its judicial review challenge to the new fees regime for employment tribunal cases. The Supreme Court allowed UNISON’s appeal and held that fees imposed in respect of proceedings in employment tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal were unlawful because of their effects on access to justice.
Representing claimant in challenge pending before Supreme Court, alleging that provision of probation hostels for women discriminates on grounds of sex.
Representing Claimant in successful judicial review of Council decision to withdraw free bus travel from pupils of faith schools (but not Welsh language schools), on the ground of indirect race discrimination.
Representing IBM in pending appeal against judgment finding that changes to IBM’s pension scheme breached duties of trust and confidence.
Representing claimants who are members of the GMB in mass litigation arising out of maintenance by major construction companies of a secret database of alleged trade union activists. Alleging breaches of Data Protection Act and right to privacy, conspiracy, defamation.
Representing BBC in successful appeal against order granting anonymity to former employee who had been dismissed on grounds of alleged sexual misconduct.
Representing AMEC in appeal concerning the calculation of holiday pay, by reference to voluntary overtime.
Representing claimants in claim concerning duty to consult before mass redundancies (case arising out of the insolvency of Woolworths).
Representing Methodist Conference in successful appeal to Supreme Court, concerning the question whether Methodist ministers are employees.
Representing Appellants in successful appeal to Supreme Court concerning the suitability of particular male employees for the purposes of an equal pay claim.
Dinah has appeared in a number of leading Immigration cases, particularly in relation to asylum, human trafficking, and the deportation of individuals said to present a risk to national security. She has appeared in SIAC on many occasions, both as a special advocate and representing appellants. See the Public Law and Civil Liberties sections for further details.
“An astute and courageous court performer, who is able to respond flexibly and appropriately to any type of situation and judge.”
Legal 500, 2022
“Her refusal to accept defeat when she is right and her poised, measured and persuasive advocacy is second to none.”
Legal 500, 2019
“A tremendous, forceful advocate.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“Unparalleled advocacy skills, formidable strategic foresight and fearless in court.”
Legal 500, 2018
“She is a very high-quality barrister.”
Chambers and Partners, 2018
“She is just fantastic, incredibly bright”
Chambers and Partners, 2017
“Highly recommended.”
Legal 500, 2017
“She is devastating in court. Really impressive.”
Chambers and Partners, 2016
“She is an extremely effective cross-examiner, and provides really powerful submissions. She is a very tough opponent.”
Chambers and Partners, 2016
“One of the most effective advocates in court”
Legal 500, 2016
Acting for the Claimant. The Court held that the decision to impose a curfew on a man
subject to a deportation order was unlawful.
Landmark Hong Kong Court of Appeal ruling in a discrimination case. The court ruled that the Director of Immigration (the “Director”) acted unlawfully by excluding a same-sex couple from his policy of granting dependant visas to the spouses of employment visa holders.
Dinah has been instructed in significant environmental law matters, including the important claim brought by ClientEarth concerning the UK’s breach of EU law on air pollution standards. See the EU law and public law sections for further details.
“A well-respected figure”
Legal 500, 2017
“Highly experienced in air pollution matters”
Legal 500, 2016
Representing Appellant in successful challenge before Supreme Court and CJEU to UK’s breach of EU air pollution limits, and lack of effective remedy for the breach.
BA (Hons) First Class, Magdalen College, Oxford (Modern History); Post-Graduate Diploma in Law with distinction, City University
VAT registration number: 524278446
Barristers regulated by the Bar Standards Board
Derek Sutton
Joint Senior Clerk
+44 (0) 207 822 7327
Adam Sloane
Joint Senior Clerk
+44 (0) 207 822 7326
Dean Tolman
Deputy Senior Clerk
+44 (0) 207 822 7331
Billy Brian
Deputy Senior Clerk
+44 (0) 207 822 7339
Marc Armstrong
+44 (0) 207 822 7330
Adam Fuschillo
+44 (0) 207 822 7329
Danny Compton
Deputy Senior Clerk
+44 (0) 207 822 7338
Sophie Reeve
+44 (0) 207 822 7324
Toby Dennison
+44 (0) 207 822 7328
Daniel Higgins
+44 (0) 207 822 7322
Lilly-Grace Hilliard
+44 (0)20 7822 7234